About Dr. Meenu Bhoria
Dr. Meenu Bhoria has been associated with Livasa Hospital, Mohali as a Consultant Interventional Radiology. She has done her Fellowship in Interventional Radiology from Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center, New Delhi, India and D.N.B. Radiodiagnosis from Nanavati Max Superspeciality Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Work Experience
- Fellow, Interventional Radiology- Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Delhi
- Junior consultant, Radiology- Indus International Hospital, Mohali
- Junior resident, Radiology – Nanavati Max super specialty, hospital, Mumbai
- Junior consultant, Radiology- Delta Imaging, Mumbai
- Junior resident, Radiology- Topiwala National Medical College Mumbai
- Senior resident, Radiology-Topiwala National Medical College Mumbai
Education & Training
- Fellowship in interventional Radiology- Rajiv Gandhi Lancer Institute, New Delhi
- DNB Radiodiagnosis- Nanavati Max Super Specialty Hospital ,Mumbai
- DMRD –Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai
- MBBS – Govt. Medical College, Miraj, Maharashtra.
- IRIA- 386L/M-896
- Punjab Medical Council- 51776
- ISVIR 2023- finalist of IR Grand Quiz
- MRI Teaching course, 2020- Best e-poster
Speciality Interest
- Body intentions -TACE, TARE for liver tumors TJLB
- Angioembolisation of head, and neck tumours, bronchial artery embolization.
- CT/USG guided biopsies
- PCN/PTBD stunting
- Women’s imaging & interactions - USG/ stereotactic guided breast biopsy
- VABB- Vaccum Assisted Breast Biopsy
- Uterine artery embolization
Research Paper & Publications
- Dissertation, NBE, 2021- Role of texture analysis in predicting histopathological outcome in patients with lung, breast and brain masses using CT and MRI imaging.